Philippe Prud’homme, pianist

Philippe Prud’homme, pianist Originally from Saint-Jérôme, Philippe Prud’homme began his musical training at the age of 12. Four years later, he was admitted to a Bachelor's program on an exceptional basis before completing high school. He obtained his Master's in Performance from the University of Montréal with the highest distinction in 2011 and completed a professional development internship at the Conservatoire de Musique de Montréal in 2015. He won seven First Prizes at the Canadian Music Competition, including the Grand Prize for all instruments among contestants aged 19 to 30, in 2016. 

Philippe frequently performs in recitals and as a soloist with several orchestras. He is also responsible for premiering music written by contemporary composers François Morel, Alan Belkin, and Silvio Palmieri, among others. 

As a composer, Philippe has written for both concert settings and the theatre. His works include theatre music for Maintenant, je sais quelque chose que tu ne sais pas (Théâtre Bluff, 2015) and La Vague Parfaite – Un Opéra Surf (Théâtre du Futur, 2016).