
TRIO FIBONACCI (sept. 7th, Carleton) subscribers special

SYNTONIE (sept. 9th, New Richmond) subscribers special

LOUIS BERNIER (Oct. 1st, Carleton)

TOCADÉO (Oct. 18th, New Richmond) subscribers special

PIANO MAN 2 ( Oct. 21st, New Richmond) subscribers special

OPERA (Oct. 26th, New Richmond) JMC concert

ENAMORED VIOLINS (Nov. 26th, Carleton) JMC concert

LES MOTS D'AMOUR (Jan. 14th, Carleton) 20th anniversary concert

VOICES OF THE HARP (Feb. 11th, Carleton) JMC concert

SERENADE TO HUMANITY (March 24th, Carleton) JMC concert

MARC-ETIENNE LECLERC (April 4th, Carleton) 20th anniversary concert