Special concert (L'Ensemble vocal Apéro)

Nathalie Morin, Soprano
Claire Bourbeau, Mezzo-soprano
Daniel Mayrand, Ténor
Marc Tétreault, Baryton-basse

Pianiste accompagnateur : Jérémie Pelletier
Direction artistique : Claire Bourbeau

The singers of the "L'Ensemble vocal Apéro" met during their participations in the Chœur Éphémère festival Concert of îles du Bic. Since then, they have sung together on several occasions as soloists with the “Chœur Impromptu” of the Bay of Chaleurs, directed by Claire Bourbeau. The group has been called upon to perform at various events surrounding the 250th anniversary of Carleton-sur-Mer, the 2018 Maria’s Artisans Show and religious celebrations in the region.

Their repertoire includes both classical and popular tunes ranging from folklore to musicals while exploring opera and sacred music.